Brazilian Pão de Queijo Cheeseboard

Brazilian Cheese Balls!! This will transport you straight to Brazil! 🇧🇷 🧀✨🍑 Guava~filled Pão de Queijo aka Tapioca/Cassava cheesy goodness! 🐝 Thomas’s mom's house has this local grocery store with a bakery inside which sells 4 varieties of these famous Brazilian cheese snacks!!! One of them has guava filled inside!✨😋 Of course, we had to make this cheese platter pairing Bee Seasonal Brazilian Honeys with the different flavors of PDQ!!!✨🍯 it was one of the most delicious cheese spreads we’ve made! & YUP you bet that’s real {fresh} cashew fruit in the background!✨🤩 #BeeSeasonalCheese
Brazilian Cheese Bread originates from the state of Minas Gerais, which is also the state in Brazil where our Aroeira Honey comes from. Coincidentally, Aroeira is our favorite honey to pair with Pão de Queijo.
Check out our friend's Aline blog for a complete recipe: Pão de Queijo
Brazilian Pink Pepper - Aroeira (Buy it on Amazon)

Remember: always use sustainably sourced honey!
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