Tropical Honey Popsicles

Tropical Honey Popsicles

Summertime calls for POPSiCLES! Honey, in my opinion, is the most superior sweetener of all. There is so much diversity in flavor. Did you know that there are enough honey varietals in this world for you to have a unique taste every single day of the year... how amazing is that! Making homemade popsicles is a healthy and delicious treat that can be enjoyed as a snack or dessert. 



6-8 popsicles

Cooking time: 15 minutes




Tropical Honey Popsicles Tropical Honey Popsicles



  1. Stir the coconut milk with honey and pour it into the popsicle mold halfway. Freeze it for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Blend the banana, mango, and passionfruit pulp until smooth and pour it over the top of frozen coconut milk. Return to the freezer and let sit for 4-5 hours.


Tropical Honey Popsicles Tropical Honey Popsicles Tropical Honey Popsicles


Remember: always use sustainably sourced honey!
It helps communities and the environment.


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