Homemade Coconut Yogurt with Fruits and Honey

Homemade Coconut Yogurt in a Coconut Shell with Fruits and Organic Honey

Like many non-dairy options, coconut yogurt is one of the healthiest alternatives to classic yogurt. A serving of homemade coconut yogurt can provide plenty of nutritional benefits lacking regular dairy products. It’s also incredibly versatile and will go with just about anything. For example, mixing it with fresh fruits and honey for breakfast is one of the best ways to start your day, and it’s good for you too!
As exotic as it sounds, this homemade yogurt is easy to make and uses only three ingredients! 
Making it yourself is also a great way to save money too!

Ingredients for homemade coconut yogurt:  

For the yogurt, all you will need is some coconut milk, cornstarch, yogurt starter. You can add whatever ingredients you’d like afterward. We recommend using our Aroeira Honey!
You should set aside a tablespoon of your coconut milk to be mixed with a teaspoon of your yogurt starter. Alternatively, you can also use two tablespoons of store-bought yogurt as a starter.

For the coconut bowl:

Homemade Coconut Yogurt in a Coconut Shell with Fruits and Organic Honey


    1. To make the coconut yogurt just pure the coconut milk into the clean jar or bowl, add the probiotic and stir. Cover with cheesecloth and let it sit for 24-48 hours. Then refrigerate and enjoy!
    2. To make coconut bowl, break down the coconut into halves. You can save the coconut water for smoothies or make coconut milk. Fill it up with coconut yogurt, dragon fruit, blackberries, freeze-dried raspberries, and a drizzle of honey.


The Advantages of Coconut Yogurt Compared to Dairy Yogurts
Coconut yogurt presents a wide range of nutritional benefits compared to regular dairy yogurt. For instance, 100 g of coconut yogurt contains 1.2 g of protein and 2.9 g of saturated fat, making it healthier compared to a lot of other options. It also only contains 12.9 g of carbs, with nearly half of those being dietary fiber!
Considering the nutritional value and versatility, this homemade coconut milk yogurt is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional yogurts and will go great with almost anything!


Homemade Coconut Yogurt in a Coconut Shell with Fruits and Organic HoneyHomemade Coconut Yogurt in a Coconut Shell with Fruits and Organic Honey
Homemade Coconut Yogurt with Fruits and HoneyHomemade Coconut Yogurt with Fruits and Honey

Remember: always use sustainably sourced honey!
It helps communities and the environment.


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