Pink Energy Bliss Balls with Honey

Pink Energy Honey Balls

These Pink Energy Bliss Balls are sweetened with Aroeira Honey are just so tasty! 

There are just so many versions to make energy balls or as some call them energy bites! Basically, they are usually filled with some kind of nut, seed, or coconut and either sweetened with dates or in this case with Bee Seasonal honey! 


Serves: 10 energy balls

Cooking time: 20 minutes



Pink Honey Energy Bliss Balls



  1. Place all ingredients except the beet powder in a food processor or blender and process until all ingredients come together. Roll into balls, I ended up with 10 energy balls. Refrigerate them for at least 30 minutes until firm and cover with beet powder.


Pink Honey Energy Bliss Balls


Remember: always use sustainably sourced honey!
It helps communities and the environment.


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